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Beware scams in the modeling industry

Unfortunately there is no shortage of people out there who would love to take advantage of young and aspiring models and actresses. The industry certainly has its share of scam artists, and it's important to keep your guard up so as not to fall victim. Here are a few tips to help you know what to look for.

One big red flag is the agency requiring an upfront payment, as a sort of "application fee" or "joining fee". Whatever they call it, few legitimate agencies will require any sort of upfront payment. At Zulu Models, you will never pay us anything. We get paid by the client when you do.

Another red flag that should make you cautious is too good to be true promises being made by the agency. If you're being told that you're guaranteed to make tens of thousands of dollars a week and you'll be travelling to all the most exotic locations around the world, that's a sign you should run away. Shorty after promising you all this, you can bet it will be followed up with their requirement for some sort of fee before it can be yours.

Also be on the lookout for any high pressure techniques used to get your to sign up right away. Much like a car salesman, some agencies will try to pressure you into signing up before you've had a chance to properly review the contract or do any further research. If anyone tells you that you must immediately make a decision or that the opportunity is only available for the next hour or anything of that nature, it's time to walk away.

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